Canadian Food Exporters Association (CFEA): “Exporting Canada…One Bite at Time”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

cfeaRyan is a big supporter of Canadian food processing businesses and have teamed up with organizations like Export Development Canada, as well as financial institutions and consultants that share our passion for food.  We have also come to know Canadian Food Exporters Association (CFEA), and wish to share our knowledge of their services with our clients and friends in the industry.  CFEA is a voluntary non-profit industry association founded roughly 18 years ago by fourteen companies in the food and beverage industry to focus on offering assistance to small and mid-sized food and beverage exporters.  CFEA strives to achieve the following mission:

  • Help increase the export sales of Canadian food, beverage and ingredient products,
  • Do its part to increase the number of small to medium-sized food, beverage and ingredient processors and manufacturers that export,
  • Raise the international profile of Canadian food, beverage and ingredient products.

CFEA supports its members by serving as a central source of market intelligence, industry information and promotion.

Resources and Services Provided through the Canadian Food Exporters Association

CFEA offers support services to Canadian small to mid-sized food and beverage businesses looking to reduce the risk exporting while creating important partnerships that provide a greater assurance of success.  Members of CFEA gain access to:

  • CFEA Seminars and workshops at reduced rates
  • CFEA organized trade events at reduced rates
  • Advertise in select trade publications at reduced rates
  • Free market specific searches
  • Communication to members through periodical mailings,
  • CFEA website and CFEA newsletter “Export Savvy”
  • An Online secure member Service Area

CFEA is Truly Passionate about the Canadian Food and Beverage Industry

One visit to CFEA’s website will convince you of just how passionate they are about the food and beverage industry in Canada.  In addition to what you would expect to find, like an exhaustive list of international food and beverage events, and a directory of food and beverage related government agencies and associations you will also find a Recipe Section!

Ryan Government Grants and Loans Access & Support Services

Ryan offers support services to established small to mid-sized businesses in the food and beverage processing sector.  If your firm has been incorporated for at least 3 years, has a minimum of 10 employees and manufactures and/or performs R&D in Canada sign up for Ryan’ upcoming Free Webinar for Agriculture and Food Processors.

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