Export Expansion Canadian Government Grants Webinar
On May 20, Ryan will be co-hosting a free webinar with Export Development Canada (EDC) focused on Canadian government grants and other resources to help small business expand into new markets. Bernadeen McLeod, president and founder of Ryan, will be joined by Johanna Franz, Small Business Account Manager for South Western Ontario, will be discussing funding programs and other resources to help mitigate the risks associated with entering new markets.
This Canadian government funding webinar will focus on the Technology, Knowledge-based Industries, and Advanced Manufacturing sectors. Topics will focus on programs and support services that exist to help companies commercialize in new markets, expand into new markets, and grow internationally.
Free Export Expansion Webinar – Details & Registration
When: Wednesday May 20, 2015
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST
Where: Online Webinar via GoToWebinar
Register Now
Other Events & Resources
If you can’t attend this webinar or if your business is in a different industry, you can view our events page for upcoming small business funding events. Events are updated regularly, so check back often. If you’d like to learn more about specific programs you can find free resources on our website including our popular Canadian government funding table. You can also get in touch with us directly through our contact us page, by filling out the form you will be put in touch with one of our Canadian Government Funding Experts.
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